Yay, I just finished reading "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", which Phil lent me. 'Twas a good read. The only disapointment was that it ended unexpectedly soon- I thought they would at least go to The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. I've seen the original BBC TV series, but I hadn't actually read the book til now. Becki was appalled at that. She threatened to revoke my membership to geekdom. Oh, the shame of it all. Um, anyways, I should have read this book earlier. It's exactly the kind of absurd humour I like, though I guess not everyone's cup of tea. It's odd to find out little bits of this book have made their way into mainstream culture, like Babelfish or 'Paranoid Android'. By the way, like the towel? I googled it ex-specially for this post. Labels: Books, Towels
And you dare to call me for saying ex-cape!?!
You harlot!
I like the pipe that the towel is resting on.
Mmmm Mmmm, pipey goodness.
I felt like I should post some sort of smarty pants review of the book, with zingy witticisms and such, but my brain hurts tonight, ouch. Maybe it's growing!
or swelling because of all the knowledge (and air) you're intaking all at once.
Exhale once in awhile.
Erica. I was reading one of Nobuo Uematsu's blog entries from back in June and I found a passage that, for some reason, I couldn't stop laughing at:
06/05 (Saturday)
Take a ride on my Vespa to a nearby Asama Shrine where they’re doing a big festival that comes only once every three years. Hrm…once every three years, and they call this ramshackle affair a festival? As I made my disappointed exit, what should catch my eye, but (I have no idea why) an outdoor supply shop! I buy a charcoal extinguisher, and a percolator for coffee, and some other stuff, all for 1,500 yen! ($14USD). I go home a happy man.
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