I bought a new movie...

... and its so awful, I'm embarassed to watch it. It's from one of my favourite visual kei bands, the now-defunct Malice Mizer. It's called "Bara no konrei" and it has some sort of vampire/unrequited love/cheesy special effects theme. I didn't expect it to be good, I just bought it because it was on sale. It's what I do. I buy therefore I am. And for your delectation, here is a picture of lovely Mana, ex-bassist of Malice Mizer. ~kawaii~ Oh, and happy halloween. I'll put some costume-y pics up later.
Is s/he the one that always dresses like a girl even in 'real' life?
I have no idea what you are talking about!!!!!
hey that was a kewl pic. where in tha hell do u get those awesome pics. hook me up.
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