Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Alright, I have been haunted by this song for the last month or two. I can't put my finger on it's strange allure, so I might as well try exorcise some demons in this post. The song was first released on Kate Bush's breakthrough album, The Kick Inside (1978), and later re-recorded for her 1986 album, The Whole Story. I prefer the second, as the first is a bit raw for my ears. As any literary folk will know, it's based on the 1847 Emily Brontë novel, (which concerns itself with the tragic love story of two extremely selfish, unlikeable people) but I think Kate's source was the film version, rather than the book. Anyhow, I saw the movie, read the book, and my iTunes play count is over 500 now... but I still can't get to the bottom of why I love this song. So, for your delectation, here are some videos of Wuthering Heights (the first is the original Kate Bush version):



Blogger Becki said...

I still think Heathcliff was a jerk, albeit a hot jerk in the movie.

2:34 p.m.  
Blogger Joanne said...

Kate Bush is so much cooler than Heathcliff or Cathy (self-centered muddled putz and putzess). Sooo delighted with the link - "Army Dreamers" should be required viewing here in USA.

9:27 a.m.  
Blogger Becki said...

Dude my mom commented on your blog...

7:13 p.m.  

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