Hey, cheer up everyone. Spring is here, summer's on the way.... and you know what that means. Beetles! Yes, today I purchased the year's first beetle couple from a local pet shop. For some reason I can't find my old beetle cages, so I'll have to buy some new ones tomorrow. Isn't this picture adorable? I was going to buy a smaller pair, but Stew talked me into this giant one. Check out his mandibles- awesomeness!!
It was a fabulous idea, if I may say so, to paint these Easter eggs. Nothing says Happy Easter like cheerfully coloured boiled eggs. Except maybe a big sign that reads "Happy Easter". Mine is the super-cute skelly egg, beside the Tristan Pollock (possibly fake) and Stew's venture into surrealism.
Bryan and I were transported to a magical Kingdom of Cats in Kitano yesterday. We believe this fat white one is Muta from Studio Ghibli's "Neko no Ongaeshi" (aka "The Cat Returns"), or at least his brother.