Kind of a moustache feeling!

Man, I wish I could grow a moustache! This is newly Phrenchified Phil and his moustache- c'est fantastique! Please show your support for Phil's facial hair because..... well, I like it. A wise blue man once said: "Rugged, self-assured, adult. These are the words that describe the man who wears a moustache. Yes, it says to the world 'I'm a man of action!' But action tempered with a fireman! Or somebody's dad!" Haha, he said fireman- PASSION!
Do you have any pictures of Peter O'Toole with facial hair?
sacre blous mon ami!
A great man once said:
"Try to find the path of least resistance and use it without harming others. Live with integrity and morality, not only with people but with all beings."
Who was this great man, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Einstein? No.......Steven Seagal!!
Mon Dieu!
Ces'que je fait la sur votre blogue??!!
Cest impossible (an poh see ble)!
C'est incroyable, mais pas impossible, mon ami.
Why deed zee frog cross zee road.
Beecauz ee woz opping mad!
(zat woz my own invention, you could never `ave guessed, no?)
Mon Dieu!
C'est magnifique!
♬ And I, ah, ah, ah, I, I'm hooked on a feeling!
A moustache feeling! ♬
So much faux French... brain exploding...
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