Made from real gorilla chest!

As a counterpoint to the last post...This is a picture of Akeboshi, who is far and away my favourite Japanese singer. His music is folksy-alt-country-rock, which is a new category I just made up for him. A lot of his songs are in English and his command of the language is pretty darn good. I command thee to listen to his musics! It's a bit unusual that I like him so much since he is not wearing any makeup, fishnet stockings, a maid outfit, rubber pants or a gravity-defying hairstyle. See, I can have vaguely normal musical taste when I want to. So there.
I like this picture better. I still don't understand Visual Kei. Is GWAR visual k?
Either way, this guy looks cool. I wanna be his friend.
Lit. "visual type", Visual Kei refers to a movement in J-Rock which became popular in the 1990's. It is characterised by bands using dramatic costumes and visual imagery to grab attention, as the name implies. Visual Kei bands, being defined primarily by visual style, do not necessarily play a specific type of music.
/thanks Wikipedia!
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