It never forgives. It never forgets.

Flee before the curse kills you dead! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, this isn't Mom from The Grudge. It's just me, after succumbing to an attack of my-hair-colour-is-so-boring-I'm-gonna-dye-it-right-now. Although you can't see it, it is now a slightly darker shade of reddish-brown. Ch-Ch-Changes! Sometimes I wonder if you can get cancer or something from hairdye. But then I just go and dye my hair again. I should get it cut and actually styled by a professional(not that roommates with scissors aren't fabulous as well) before I do some real damage. For reasons I cannot fathom, I often get a headache after applying assorted abrasive chemicals directly onto my head. But even if I don't seem to care, I also don't want my not-so-luscious locks to fall out. And I heard Jackie O. dyed her hair black so often it might've killed her. Then again, I might've made that up. So what? Wanna fight about it?!
Umm, I do wanna fight about it! Right now!
I challenge you to a duel !
I'ma callin' ya out pardner...
You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you.
You seem a decent fellow, I hate to die...
(Previous comment deleted for typo)
Never go in against a Canadian, when *death* is on the line. Hahahahahah!
my poem about dying hair.
I dyed my hair once,
it was very red,
then it went orange,
and now it`s dead.
That's beautiful, John. *sniff*
So you can't be surprised that this is the entry I picked to comment on... As an avid "hair dyer" I'm gonna ignore that cancer comment
What the...?! It's the Valerie!
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