See my vest, see my vest!

So.... if you are feeling a little visual.... I can heartily recommend a number of bands! And none of those visual kei "lite" bands that can pass as jrock with mascara. Only the heavy hitters here. Of course Dir en Grey is still ichiban in my books. Who couldn't love a lead singer (pictured) who spits blood in concert? Who's new single Clever Sleazoid includes the immortal line "One day I will f*** your parents"?? That's classy! Also bringing up the eroguro (erotic-grotesque) front we have MUCC (another favourite), the aptly-named Merry, and the always jolly boys from D'espairsRay. Schwarz Stein is another superlative musical ensemble, who have sadly disbanded. Man, it took me awhile to figure out they were both guys! I think the fake breasts threw me off! Hahaha!!
Is it real blood though?
And if so whose?
And on a related note are you also a fan of Gwar?
GWAR, aka, god what an awful racket, aka very bad band.
The Go! Team is the band,
whose music makes me dance,
I listen when I have an errand,
or when I go to France.
Guys, GWAR is just lame.
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