'Tis the season...

For pandas and snowmen to go head to head in a no-holds barred Christmas Battle Royale! Who will win the coveted Ferrer Rocher chocolate? Will the Snowman put the bear on ice? Or will the Panda... bamboo-zle his frosty opponent?? Ouch, too early to make bad puns. (By the way, the chocolate was a lovely present from Becki's mom.) Who will reign supreme this Christmas? THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS.
I'll take ¥1,000 on the snowman!
Bamboo-zle? *sigh*
Such a worthy post for christmas.
Whoa, you don't even *have* a Christmas post on your blogula yet, buddy. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!
I'm a bit suspicious of this photo because panda's can't actually stand on their hind legs. Have you altered the photo or is this some strange mutant panda with special abilities? I think we should be told!!
My family has been breeding this rare type of "fighting panda" for many generations. This superlative specimen (we call him 6B12) is the culmination of our labour. He has already fought and defeated a giant Pacific octopus, Bigfoot and three purple unicorns. He is a god among insects!
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