Now, there are some things about living in Japan that I have grown accustomed to, even embraced, like sleeping on the floor and drinking coffee from cans. But it tears me apart to know that here my feet are freakishly large. I can't go out and buy a pair of shoes, like normal decent folk . ALL I WANT IS TO BUY SOME CUTE SHOES!!!! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR???!!!
/thank you, ranting done.
Preach on sister!
I always considered myself quite dainty of foot until I came to Japan. Here I'm on the very outer limit of cute-shoe-buying, and only a 6 1/2 at that!
You think you have problems? Try having my giant feet. There are none cute shoes for my hooves.
But you're a dude, Luke. Dudes only need like 1 or 2 pairs of shoes. I need 10.
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