
Ahh, 4 more days and mama, I'm comin' home. I was going to title this post "Leavin' on a jet plane", but quickly googling for a jet image confirmed that this quote was too overused by morons all over the interweb. I am excited. I was more excited last week, but work is beginning to wear me down. So I have to talk myself into staying focused on being excited. Kinda like how Rocky needs that shouty old man in the corner to motivate him to win fights... except for the fact that I'm just talking to myself. But we do manage to have some nice chats. (By the way, this is a picture I found of Vancouver. Wow, what an ugly dirty place!)
Have fun in "The Best City in the Americas", and don't forget to bring me back some sirop d'érable.
No, you eww!
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