Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away

Recently, it's been raining all the time. If you're a rice plant, it's good news. But if you're a human... well, it can be annoying. Like when you're someone who leaves their umbrella all over the place. In a not-exactly-related note, I bought some flowers and planted them in dinky little pots on my balcony. I don't know how long they'll live- this is the person who can kill cactii (that shouldn't be possible, should it?). I also bought some bean seeds but I left them at work. We'll see how soon I fail in this endeavor....


Blogger Becki said...

What kind of beans did you get?

11:48 p.m.  
Blogger Fancy L said...

You killed a cactus?

That means you are less nurturing than a desert.

12:58 a.m.  
Blogger kumagoro said...

Does it qualify as killing with kindness if you water a cactus to death?

1:05 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lost two of Rachel's umbrellas before she got too mad to loan me anymore. Well actually no, she just ran out of umbrellas haha.

2:37 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hello? You are from Vancouver, where it rains for 9 months of the year! How can you be sick of the rain LOL!

8:01 a.m.  
Blogger kumagoro said...

Vancouver rain is different! It's nice and this rain isn't. Anyways, it's so humid here.

10:19 a.m.  

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