Friday, June 30, 2006

Come on, Come on! Feel it, Feel it!

What do you think? Should Uncle T grow a goatee? I rather think this one makes him look all debonair and suave- a man of wealth and taste. On the other hand, other people seem to find my tastes abnormal, and might disagree with the whole "French Satan" style facial hair I painted on. All he needs is a smoking jacket and some slicked-back hair to complete the ensemble.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

ずっと! ずっと! ずっと!

Just a post about a song. I finally managed to find an mp3 of Miyavi's song "愛しい人" after scouring the interweb for literally days. I highly recommend it to you! I think I will try to buy the single this weekend in Sannomiya. Recently, I've fallen off the visual kei bandwagon, and started listening to "real" music, like 70's folk songs and classical stuff. But now I shall happily slip back into the comfortable fold of visual rock. I think I should give myself a visual-type hairstyle as well. Here's the PV:

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Quintessence of Beetle-ry

Yesterday I caught a new beetle. This one is really active. He makes TW look like he's in a coma. I have settled on the name "Lord Rochester" for this new addition to the family . I caught his Excellency with a mop last night (with the "help" of Bec). Now, I need to ponder how to keep both beetles inside the big cage, without letting them near one another. I don't want Lord Rochester to destroy little TW with his regal strength and royal cunning! *** If you're wondering, Lord Rochester was a rakish Restoration-era poet, famous for his obscene writings. He also had a pet monkey, which he tried to get knighted.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

まめ の はたけ

Tonight me and some of my kaishain went to a lovely tofu restaurant in Woody Town. It was Becki's discovery. Basically, it's an all-you-can-eat buffet. I know, I know- I'm on a diet. But I had to eat my money's worth! And I only ate a little of the fried chicken, and like 2 pieces of tempura.... shut up! I can stop eating anytime! This is a picture of the desserts... mmmm.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Katakana: Round 1

I have been wrestling with the three-headed beast known as katakana for the last week or so and am happy to say I am making some headway. A whole new world of inane advertising slogans was revealed to me on the train today because.... I could finally read them! Happy happy joy joy. And in other news, this is my 1 year anniversary in Japan. Thumbs up all around (^-^)b

Monday, June 12, 2006

My Neighbor Kabuto-san

This is probably the most awesome thing to ever happen anywhere. I was outside the apartment with Bec last night when she noticed a giant beetle flipped on its back, struggling to right itself. So I caught it. Isn't he lovely? Becki hates him so I need to keep him locked down and out of sight. Today I will buy him a nice comfy house and some food from the Daie (the container you see is merely temporary). He will be fed only the best of.... whatever beetles eat, and will grow to be a Godzilla among insects. Then I will fight him against other beeetles, he will triumph, and vast amounts of money will be mine. MINE, I say!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Exercise suru

This week I have begun implementing my plans for global domination (i.e. started working out). It's so painful. I don't even have a simile or euphemism for the dull ache in my arms, legs and chest. Words fail me. Lucky for me, the gym is right by the apartment- literally, 5 min away. It's a little expensive but I suppose in the long run it's worth it. The plan is to work out at least 3 times a week, or until my body implodes.
ps. this is an actual photo of what goes on inside the gym.

Friday, June 02, 2006

It's aliiiiiiiiive

I am happy to say that my little garden shows signs of life! I was feeling a little worried since almost a week had passed and there was no sprouting action, but yesterday the beans made their entrance. They were preceeded by the cherry tomatoes, who sprang into action a couple days earlier. I've also bought some strawberry seeds to plant, so I'll have to get on that ASAP.