I'm in love!
It's mine, mine, MINE! Labels: Games
What do you get when you combine water, syrup. cayenne pepper and lemon juice? My new diet food, that's what! I was going for an all-liquid diet, just consuming soups and drinks but this sounds much more interesting. Hey, what's the worst that could happen? (rhetorical question, don't answer it!!).
Now, there are some things about living in Japan that I have grown accustomed to, even embraced, like sleeping on the floor and drinking coffee from cans. But it tears me apart to know that here my feet are freakishly large. I can't go out and buy a pair of shoes, like normal decent folk . ALL I WANT IS TO BUY SOME CUTE SHOES!!!! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR???!!!
/thank you, ranting done.
Avast ye!
You scurvy dogs! You'd best be rememberin' that this Tuesday be "International Talk like a Pirate Day". What be that, ye asks? Why, it's when you put on yer best piratin' voice and bellows "Yarr!" and "Shiver me timbers!". Ye better be good and sure that ye participate, lest ye find yerselves in Davey Jones' Locker. Har har har!
Excuse my French!
Oh yes, dimanche was French night. I was considering being an ass and writing this post in French but... lets face it, I'm a kind soul. So anyway, Bec, Becki, Phil and I partook of fromage, vin and dry intellectual wit. We argued about existentialism, smoked some Gauloises, stormed the Bastille- you know, French-y type activities. We snapped this little photo of us chilling out with our hip French amis. That's me in the black beret, glaring at Phil and his ridiculous cravatte. Becki's looking chic in her pimpin' white heels and Bec's showing us a bit of leg (how risqué!) beside Phil. All in all, a night pour souvenir!
ps. this photo is what a GIS for "French Night" turned up^^
Go Go ゴスロリ!!!
Halloween approaches, so I must start mulling over possible costumes for myself. I think I've settled on the Gothic Lolita look. Not to be confused with plain old Gothic style, Gothic Lolita is a Japanese sub-culture basically consisting of girls devoted to dressing up like giant, frilly dolls. I kind of admire them, because I think a lot of hardcore Lolis are DIY and actually sew these ridiculously girly dresses themselves. How I am going to recreate this look is a mystery. I poked around a fabric store today and found nothing useful, which left me disapointed. What I really need for the look is a very small black top hat. Don't ask me why.
じょうず ね
This amazing work of art was created by one of our Flower Town students, Asami. Wow, it's sugoi! All us the teachers are here. Uncle T with his bow & arrows, Samurai Luke and his katana, Tristan and his ninja somersaults, Iain and his..... ceremonial cap (?), Phil sporting some golden locks, Bec having fun with her parachute and me.... with a very broad forehead! Is it really so big? Should I get bangs or something? Anyway, this picture kicks all kinds of ass. I can enjoy it, and so can you :)